Art · Growing Up · Inspiration

Should Flowers Be Red? – Revisiting Adult Coloring Books

A while back I asked the question “Are Adult Coloring Books Really Necessary?” because I had seen so many of them in stores and was trying to figure out if I should get one. However, I found that I did not like the designs I saw and therefore assumed that adult coloring books were not for me.

This past December, I decided to give them a try though and even bought some for my mom because she wanted one. I have since discovered what it is that I did not like about them. I like my coloring books to be more realistic so all the animal designs made up of flowers were not something I wanted. The designs I see within them tend to be rainbow colored and crazy, which goes against my desire to be realistic in my designs and coloring.

You see, I have unconsciously fallen into the trap of “flowers are red”.

“What is that?” you may ask. Well check out the video and pay attention to the lyrics.

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General Update

Why Do We Blog?

Can someone forget how to blog? If so, I’m pretty sure that’s where I am. Holidays always have this ability to mess with my schedule. I kept meaning to come here and say I’m on a break, but then I figured it wasn’t necessary since I was planning on returning shortly after I would have posted about it.

Obviously, that didn’t work out the way I wanted it to. I’ve been suffering from a strange type of writer’s block that occurs whenever I turn on the computer and try to write anything. It’s like I have all these ideas for things to write about until my fingers find the keyboard. Then, all those ideas evaporate, and I’m left with nothing.

It’s frustrating and not something limited to only my blogging.

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Inspiration · Music · Must Read Articles

Why You Should Never Say “I Can’t”

It’s often easier to say that we can’t do something. It may stem from our fear of failure or our lack of self confidence. Perhaps it’s other people leading us to believe that we are not good enough for one reason or another.

However, by not trying that thing you’ve always wanted to because of these fears is only hurting yourself. No one knows their chances of success going into a new task. For instance, I may think by writing this post that I’ll publish it, but for all I know the power could go out or WordPress officials could decide to pull the plug on WordPress and leave my blog homeless and all.

We never know what will happen, yet we try many things throughout the day. Sometimes though we don’t.

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How I Adapted the Bullet Journal for My Lifestyle

I’ve always had this desire to be more organized, and I’ve always loved pens and planners. However, I’ve noticed an unpleasant trend over the years.

I buy a planner, use it for a couple days (and sometimes don’t use it at all!), and then I stop. No planner has ever felt right.

I get distracted by the pretty colors and designs and tell myself that I’ll use it. Then, I get frustrated knowing I spent the money for nothing.

There was one planner I used thoroughly in the past that I wanted to recreate. The question though was how. As I tried to figure it out, I stumbled upon the Bullet Journal. My life is much more organized now that I have a planner I like to use.

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