Liebster Award – Look I finally posted it!

I’ve been awarded the Liebster Award! It happened twice actually, like forever ago. I’m behind on my blogging. Shhh. I have this problem with picking people. I didn’t like it.

I’d like to thank Anand at Blabberwockying for nominating me for the Liebster award. Liebster supposedly means “dearest” in German, but I’ve seen people saying this is some sort of sweet or you’re so kind and welcoming sort of award. Either way, I am grateful to be awarded it.

For those who do not know, this award is supposed to go to someone with under 200 followers so that you can discover new blogs and so the person you nominated can hopefully be discovered by others.


  • Once you are nominated, make a post thanking and linking the person who nominated you.
  • Include the Liebster Award sticker in the post too.
  • Nominate 5 -10 other bloggers who you feel are worthy of this award. Let them know they have been nominated by commenting on one of their posts. You can also nominate the person who nominated you.
  • Ensure all of these bloggers have less than 200 followers.
  • Answer the eleven questions asked to you by the person who nominated you, and make eleven questions of your own for your nominees or you may use the same questions.
  • Lastly, COPY these rules in the post.

Questions from Anand to Me

  1. What is life according to you?
    1. Oh man. Getting philosophical on me already. Hmm… Life is …. I feel like I’m being graded on my answer.
  2. What is your goal or mission in life, if any.
    1. My goal is to help others and to spread happiness and positivity.
  3. What is your favorite film(s)?
    1. I have many. Most of them are Disney animated films.
  4. What quality you like most about yourself?

    I like that I can see both sides to a problem. I also love my imagination.
  5. Who are your heroes or role models?
    1. My parents. They’ve done amazing things in their life, and it never ceases to amaze me how much they will sacrifice for the happiness of their children. They’ve also shown me what it means to be committed to someone.
  6. Which is your dream destination?
    1. My dream destination….hmm… I’d love to visit Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, the UK, Finland, Alaska, Hawaii, the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, & all 50 states of the US, South America, Italy… OK, let’s just say I would love it if I could visit every country.
  7. What do you prefer in life Peace or Success. Are they different for you. Why?
    1. For some, success may lead to peace I suppose and peace may lead to success.
  8. What are your hobbies?
    1. spending time with family and friends, writing, drawing, pretending to be an artist, pretending to be a photographer, playing with my cat
  9. Do you feel good about yourself, people around you and life in general?
    1. About myself depends on the day and the task; about people around me depends who I am around; life in general is usually a yes.
  10. What is the importance of gratitude according to you, if any?
    1. I think it is very important. Everyone loves to hear thank you and loves to be appreciated. I think a lot of people have forgotten that though and/or are too busy to take the time out of their day to do it. It can be the difference between a good day and a bad day for some though if they feel no one notices their hard work or their existance. I think by being grateful for what we have and who we have in our lives that we become happier too. By taking those moments to be grateful for life, we realize the small things that matter. Everything is only temporary.

My nominations

This is why this post has been sitting here for so long. How do I pick just a handful of people out of all the lovely people I’ve met in the 2 months, if that, that I’ve been blogging? I’m still meeting people and getting to know those I’ve recently started following.


But I tried. If your name isn’t here, it doesn’t mean you are unloved or unworthy. It probably just means you’ve recently received the award from someone else or I haven’t gotten to know you as well yet. Never fear though, there’s another Liebster round of nominations and another award to hand out too.

I award this award to the following people, and if they choose to accept this prize, they too will answer questions, nominate people, and ask them questions.

Sonya @ Morethan100words – I first met Sonya through an online writing competition/prompt site. Her stories are fantastic. She also has a blog devoted to stories that are only 100 words.

Kaitlyn Franzone – One of my first followers here. I actually met her in my first round of Blogging101. She’s a writer too, and she’s just starting a new feature: a podcast a month. Check it out!

Stay Calm, I’m a Foster Mom – I believe I met her through the Community Pool one day. However it happened, I’m glad because she’s done interviews with some of her foster kids on what life is like. I love that she is helping out kids and breaking down some of the stigma on adoption. Thank you!

Escape to Sevilla with the(esc)apeartist – In less than 20 days, you can travel to Sevilla with the one and only Escape Artist. It’s bound to be an adventure!

S.A. Smith On RVing Time – because who doesn’t wish they could pack up and travel the world?

Meggan – because she’s my newest follower, and she’s also 27.

My 11 questions

  1. If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
  2. If you could be a character in any book – or just be in any book – what character/book would you choose? Why?
  3. What’s one thing you hope to accomplish in your lifetime?
  4. How long have you known your best friend?
  5. What’s your favorite _______? You get to decide what favorite favorite you write about. From colors to numbers to food to places. You decide.
  6. What’s one book or blog you’d recommend that I read?
  7. Dogs, cats, both or neither?
  8. What was your first job?
  9. What would you tell your childhood self?
  10. Who is your biggest role model or hero?
  11. Wildcard: Ask yourself a question and answer it.

Getting to Know YOU

While my blog is inherently about me and things I enjoy, it’s also about YOU. I’ve met so many people from the Blogosphere, many of which are from Blogging 101.

I see your posts, and I’m working on figuring out the best way to follow along. I tend to look through my reader, so maybe I should shut my email notifications off. (I’m one of those people that hates having unread mail.)

Reading your posts gives me an idea of who you are, but I’m a curious person and want to know more because part of the purpose of this blog is connecting with others.

As I was looking around, I came across Would You Like To Be My Neighbor? on “See You Starside” that I connected with. I related to the post because Lacie is a shy person and sometimes feels like she shouldn’t comment because she doesn’t know what else to add.

I feel the same way. But I feel we all crave interaction, and I do really want to get to know you all, especially as Blogging 101 is about to go into its final week. :(

So this post is all about YOU. Don’t be scared to leave a comment.

And feel free to substitute your own questions or skip them over if you don’t like the ones I came up with. It’s not an interview. It’s just the start of a new friendship.

  1. What do you prefer to be called?
  2. What’s your favorite memory?
  3. What’s a talent or quirk that you have?
  4. Sum up your blog in 1 sentence.
  5. When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?
  6. What do you hope to accomplish before you die?
  7. What is your greatest strength or the best thing about you as a person?
  8. Tell me 2 other things about you.
  9. Anything else you’d like to add?

Personalizing the Blog

Today I started personalizing some more.

What a journey!
I made my background green

Then, I changed layouts.

I made a header (or two). You can see them above. They shuffle around so you’ll never know which you’ll get.

And I changed the background from white to blue, to a lighter blue, and a greener blue.

Then to tan, and a redder brown, and then to a darkish gray. Then, I went to the lighter gray that it is now.

So I stayed with light gray because I didn’t want to go through every color of the rainbow. I have such a hard time finding complementary colors and matching. Even with clothes. It’s a curse, I tell you.

I also added an about me blurb on the side. I wanted it to be short and to the point, which is a huge difficulty to me. Plus, I feel like my about page is too long. LOL.

So, I need you to help a color challenged girl out.

How does the theme look with those colors? Does one work better than the other?

How is the blurb on the side?

How do the headers look?

Should I have stuck with the old layout?

Which July Story was Your Favorite?

I won last week’s challenge at Brigit’s Flame, and now I have a chance to have one of my works listed there. I was curious as to which story was your favorite.



The Doll’s Eyes

The Countdown

The Text

Please check them out if you haven’t already (words above are links) and let me know which was your favorite and why. You can either fill out the form below or answer the questions in the comments

1. Favorite 2. Why Did you like it. 3. What other ones did you enjoy?

Thank you!

Theme Options

Today’s task at Blogging 101 is to select a theme. I’ve been exploring themes all week, but I still haven’t found one that I love completely.

I asked you previously to vote on my tagline (which you can still do if you haven’t yet). Now I’m back to ask you about my theme!

I have a few backgrounds I’m considering, so I thought it would be a great time to ask you all what you think of my blog’s look. Check out the poll below and cast your vote!

Clicking on an image will open a bigger picture in a new tab. You may vote for more than one.

Mount Everest

Learning to Ignore the Negative

Today, I am focusing on my intended audience for my blog as part of blogging 101.

I’ve been sitting here writing draft after draft for potential audiences I thought would enjoy my blog; however, it’s still new, and I’m still trying to figure out what I’m writing about. I have ideas, obviously, but there’s no telling what I’ll actually publish here in the future.

I wrote one draft to another college graduate struggling to figure out their way in life; I wrote to someone like one of my best friend’s who absolutely hates their career. However, I hated the way each of these felt, so I’m writing to myself because right now I might be my intended audience.

However, don’t let that stop you from continuing to read. You’ll probably discover quite a bit about me. Go ahead and get comfortable though because I can tell this is going to be a longer post.

Are you ready? Ok, here we go.

My first blog was back in 2004, so I’m not new to this blogging thing at all. However, you had to be my friend before you saw my posts, and I had different lists that people could be on based on what they and I wanted them to see. I also blogged under a penname.

I’ve blogged off and on since then under that username, but I took a more permanent break once I graduated in 2012. I stopped writing entirely despite how many times I’ve discussed how writing is my therapy in that blog. It’s the way I de-stress from life and escape my own experiences for a while, or in some cases, work through my problems.

I’ve been pushing writing away because of various reasons, and I feel like my writing has suffered because of my hiatus. I no longer feel adept at putting words together, and when I do write, I feel like it’s a giant list of adverbs (“really” and “very” are my worst offenders!). I’ve gotten worse with my writing, or I’m more aware of my shortcomings. Either way, I’m not happy.

But there’s this huge part of me that still wants to be a published writer someday, so I took the plunge and started this blog. And I publish it under my name. It’s exhilarating and terrifying, much like how I imagine this person must feel.

Bike jumping off cliff
From Pixabay

You see, I want to share my stories with others in hopes that they might affect someone the way that they and other books have affected me. It’d be awesome if I could earn a living wage doing it, but that’s probably wishful thinking.

I actually had a chance to apply to work for a local newspaper (and get paid for it!), and I never submitted a resume because I was scared to death of what people would think of my writing and me. I was also afraid I wouldn’t have enough to write about or that I wouldn’t be very good at it because I had never taken journalism classes.

I didn’t even try to apply!

Sadly, I do that with a lot of things. I sell myself short all the time. And it’s not just because I am physically short.

I’m still shy when I first meet people, and I have such self-doubt in myself. It’s probably not a good thing to admit that here, but I’m going to challenge myself to be honest here. It’s not just in my writing either. Self-confidence is something I need to work on, but the voice inside my head is constantly bullying me.

The word "bully" with bullying tactics written inside
From Pixabay

I’m a perfectionist as well; I don’t care if other people make mistakes, but I am not allowed. Or at least, that’s what I tell myself. It’s hard to get myself to stop being that way, but I’m hoping that by putting myself out there in the Realm of the Internet where nothing can be erased I’ll learn that mistakes will not kill me. I can learn to forgive myself and move on. Although, you’d be sad to know how many different titles I gave this post, and I’m still not happy with it. Grr.

I can learn to stop listening to the bully in my head and the bullies from my life. I can accept the faults that I have and make them into my strengths.

I still have only told a handful of people who know me that I am a writer because of all of this. The majority do not know because I’m afraid of the outcome. I still hear my cousin’s voice asking me why I’d want to be a writer and the sound of her laughter. She discovered it on my old AOL profile years ago when I was first starting to write stories; she and her sisters hounded me about it. I’m not sure if it was to be intentionally mean or if they were just curious. They were never readers though, so it could have just been curiosity.

Tragedy and comedy masks with words about exclusion and inclusion written in them
From Pixabay

Ever since then, I have this terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that there’s something wrong with me for choosing to write. Or, worse, what if I’m not good? What if I write a story that’s complete trash and they start talking about it like some do about Twilight?

I’ve let fear dictate my life a long time. I’ve let my self-confidence prevent me from many opportunities that I’ll never get back. I feel like I’m still a kid hiding behind my mother at the bus stop because I’m too afraid to introduce myself to the other kid waiting for the bus. (Seriously, my mother had to introduce me to my first friend.)

I’m ready for something new. I’m going to take the risk and hope it works out. I may not be entirely ready to shout from the top of the mountains to my family and friends that I’m a writer, but I’m on my way up.

I hope the view will be worth the climb.

Hang glider in air
From Pixabay

I don’t know how long it’ll take to get there, but I think I’ll discover that this blog makes all the difference. It’ll be the good, the bad, and the ugly of the journey. It’ll be a challenge to be me because of my confidence and more so due to the self-loathing bully that lives in my head, but maybe I can finally get rid of her for good.

I’m going to learn to own this writing thing and all the lovely things that make me who I am. I’m going to learn to wear them with pride. I’m going to make mistakes, and I’m going to enjoy every single one of them (once I get over the panic they cause of course!).

It might not be the best way to build this supposed author platform I need to have to publish, but if I become a stronger person than I am now, it’ll be worth it.

Here’s hoping!

If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading. Here’s a video that contains a song that I find perfect for this journey right now.

*featured image from Pixabay

Your Turn

I don’t know what to ask you this time around, so please share whatever you’d like to. I love hearing from you and connecting with you in the comments!

What’s in a Name?

There seems to be two focuses of my blog thus far: stories & growing up. Or, you know, my wonderful attempt at keeping that childlike wonder and imagination and all…

So I’m unsure what I want my tagline to be.

I’ve come up with some suggestions. What do you like?

Your Turn

What is your tagline? How did you come up with it? Is it the same tagline you started with when you started your blog?

A Wild Blog Appears…

I am an indecisive person. Truth is, I haven’t been posting much to my blog except for the Brigit’s Flame entries because I find myself struggling with what to post. Reading about creating a blog seems to always point in the direction of niche blogging. What’s my niche though?

It can’t just be writing. Only other writers will ever find that helpful. I want to spread my net further than that. I know the end goal is to hopefully meet people and find people who enjoy reading what I write so that I can become a published author. How does one get there though?

I feel like I am a boring person and people won’t be interested in what I have to write. And honestly, I can’t picture myself picking a niche and writing ONLY about that for the rest of my life. That doesn’t seem fun.

I’m a story teller. I’m a writer. I love fiction and stories about people and their experiences. Is that enough for people to want to come here though? There is no “How-to” article or list that I can really write for that.

How do I explain what the purpose of this place is if all it is is storytelling? Is it entertainment? What if I’m not entertaining? What if you read my posts and decide it’s not worth sticking around?

We all want to make connections. It’s human nature. However, there’s always that pressure of finding common ground and connecting. As a super shy person, it is difficult to overcome that. However, I do want to connect to others.

I don’t even know.

I do know that I want to become a better writer and get used to having my work out there in the unknown land of the published word. I want to get used to critiques and feedback, but I want to be surrounded by more than just writers. Don’t get me wrong. I love meeting other writers; they have insight I don’t always have. However, I want to meet more than just writers too, or I worry we may run out of things to say!

So, if you’ve made it this far, you’ve discovered a wild blog struggling to discover what it is. Coincidentally, it’s written by a woman trying to figure out who she is too and what she wants to do with her life. I can’t guarantee it’ll be entertaining, but I guess life isn’t always like that either. I can’t guarantee that there’s even a point to it all in the end; all I know is that it exists because I exist.

Titles and Taglines

It’s day 2 of blogging 101. Today’s topic is titles and taglines.

My current title is obviously my name. There’s no changing that.

My tagline is currently “Embrace Imagination”. I thought it went well with my desire to be a published author and with the fact that I was sharing a bunch of my personal stories. It goes with my about page and everything too. Originally I always was going to try to make my journal funny and maybe even draw cartoons to go along with it, but I see other people have done that so I’m not sure I want to anymore. The whole point was to try to show that even the most mundane things can be interesting if you let them and that my site could be a place to go to when you are bored and need something positive to do.

I’m not sure what else would fit. However, I’m also not sure if it still does fit if I’m blogging about anything. I wish day 2 was more about focusing your blog.

What do you think?

Do blogs need to be about just one thing or can they be about more than one thing?

What suggestions do you have for me?

An Introduction to Myself for Blogging 101

My name is Cristina, and I recently decided to participate in Blogging 101. I started blogging back in 2004 as a means to vent about physics of all things. That class was difficult. The summer of 2002 I discovered that I loved to write and tell stories. I’ve been writing and blogging off and on since then.

At some point I realized that I really wanted to become a published author someday. I think it would be awesome to share my stories with people other than my friends and family. I learned that a good thing to have before you get published is an author’s platform, which is what I hope this blog can help to build. Even if I never publish anything, I can still publish stories via the blog and possibly connect with people. It might even be more enjoyable since there is the ability to post comments and have a conversation with the people reading.

I’m having a hard time figuring out what exactly to blog about that would be interesting, but I’m hoping I’ll figure it out with some practice. I already have some ideas ready to write out, but I’m not sure how that’ll work out now that I have these homework assignments from Blogging 101.

I have a few posts already, and it seems that my focus at the moment is lessons I’ve learned and things I’ve experienced. There will also be short stories that I post too.

Anyone who enjoys positive stories and an optimistic view mixed with some creativity should enjoy my blog. Writers and readers should also enjoy it. It’s my goal to post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for a whole year while steadily growing a following with people I can interact with on my blog and theirs.

I hope this helps you get a sense of who I am and why I’m here. It’s nice to meet you.

Your Turn

If you’re in blogging 101, what made you decide to sign up? What is your biggest worry or concern about blogging?